This Blog is lacking some pictures, so I thought I would add one. I don't have a scale to weigh myself with so I have no Idea how I am doing. this week I have not been to the gym. I did well last week. I just got a new brownie pan today so there are no guarentees for next week.
I have decided that we need to use our loser blog for a nerd blog too! I think everyone should post what book they are reading and if you like it or not, or a small review.
That being said, I just finished Fire of the Covenant. I was thuroughly depressed for two days of the reading thinking that it just can't get any worse for these people and I was continually proved wrong. It made me hug my kids a little tighter each day, I am greatful for what we are blessed with today.
I have just started reading a book that heather recommended to me called, "The Four Laws of Debt Free Prosperity," by Blane Harris and Charles Coonradt. I havent yet read Dave Ramsey's book but I imagine that this holds alot of the same concepts in a lot smaller book. I am half way through it and like it so far.
TTFN, Lisa
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