Saturday, February 20, 2010


I have had my tredmill for a week now and no weight loss, but I am really really sore. And it feels great!!! I have gone to a banana berry smoothie for breakfast and that is a yummy way to start the day. I use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. I also add banana. I hope it is full of vitamins. I use about a tablespoon of sugar which isn't a whole lot. I may switch it up a bit this next week and have an egg breakfast with my smoothie and have a smoothie lunch, but for now it is nice to have a break from eggs, even if it is just for a little bit.
I hope everyone else has had a great week.
Melissa I know you are super busy with school and homework, but you are awesome. Keep up the good work.
You are busy with school and homework too Heidi, but this time it's grading instead of doing, which at times is probably more work :)
Thank you all of you who are in this with me, I know I haven't had a lot of success yet, but I am really hoping that I will see noticable results over the next few weeks, especially now that I can work out even in this freezing cold weather in my home.
Keep posting, it is fun to read about how everyone is doing.

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