Sunday, February 28, 2010

Heidi Week 5

All of the sudden I feel like I am moving backwards. This week was HORRIBLE. I had three great workouts on Monday, Tues and Wed. Then Thur was Parent/Teacher conferences. That means I don't get home from work till 900 pm. No workout. Friday, Kaitlyn started her throw up regime. Since Marcus was out of town (as he always seems to be when someone gets sick) it meant not workout. On Saturday, Kaitlyn was too sick to go to the daycare at the gym and with no Marcus I couldn't go without her. No workout. Now it's sunday, the 4th day in a row with no workout. I promised myself I would never go three days, let alone 4. ARGGG!

I wish that I could say that since I didn't get my workouts in I was really good on my diet. NOPE. Since I was home cleaning and taking care of kids I ended up eating WAY more than I normally would. And I am pretty sure all I ate was junk food.

Needless to say, I didn't get a weight, but I am sure I gained and so I am actually glad I have no proof. This week will be better, it can't be worse.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Yesterday I decided I was sore before my workout so I decided to do my level one workout. I woke up today even more sore-- barely able to move. It didn't take me long to realize what was wrong, yesterday when I did my workout I walked with my weights and boy do my arms feels it. I almost always walk with my weights so I don't know what was different, but I can sure feel it today.
I am mostly sore in the arm that I injured when I fell earlier this month on the ice.

Love the addition of pictures, but there is something seriously wrong with the picture Lisa. I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but I just know its not right. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lisa Webb

This Blog is lacking some pictures, so I thought I would add one. I don't have a scale to weigh myself with so I have no Idea how I am doing. this week I have not been to the gym. I did well last week. I just got a new brownie pan today so there are no guarentees for next week.
I have decided that we need to use our loser blog for a nerd blog too! I think everyone should post what book they are reading and if you like it or not, or a small review.
That being said, I just finished Fire of the Covenant. I was thuroughly depressed for two days of the reading thinking that it just can't get any worse for these people and I was continually proved wrong. It made me hug my kids a little tighter each day, I am greatful for what we are blessed with today.
I have just started reading a book that heather recommended to me called, "The Four Laws of Debt Free Prosperity," by Blane Harris and Charles Coonradt. I havent yet read Dave Ramsey's book but I imagine that this holds alot of the same concepts in a lot smaller book. I am half way through it and like it so far.
TTFN, Lisa

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lisa, Where are you? We miss you, hope to see you on here soon and that all is going well.

Love ya,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Melissa week #4

well...i am back to 134.2 lbs.  i did not work out at all this week!  i was slammed with homework and just didn't even try.  we also had something stressful this week to deal with(don't worry...nothing super stressful, just enough for me to be distracted) so it was even harder to just concentrate on the homework...much less wondering if denise missed me this week!  anyhow, i hope to be back on track this week.  hopefully i haven't fallen to the point that i can't get back up! ;)

you all seem to be doing pretty good tho!  keep it up!  you inspire me. =)


Your posts are so helpful. Today was my hardest day to date. Probably because I had a day off after 6 days of working out. It really feels like I am starting my second week because I just really was able to start working out last week. I am excited to see how I look and feel at week four of my work outs. I may be down to 169 but my weight still seems to be fluctuating. I think I will see real results when I actually start dropping weight. Maybe it will be during week 4, I don't know, but I do know that I am getting a good 30 minute workout on the tredmill. I carry my two pound weights when I do my workout as much as I can, today it was only for the first 10 minutes, but I have carried them for the entire 30 minute workout. I fell on the ice three weeks ago and injured my left arm so I have been feeling it when I work out, but its not in enough pain to keep me from working out.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The 4th Week

The 4th week is such a crucial week. If you've started a workout program and have stuck to it, you should see your first big results after the 4th week. This is also when you should modify your workout program. Even if you are still seeing results or not, try something new in your routine this week. Change things up a bit. You will see faster and more dramatic results if you keep your workouts changing. Don't give yourself a chance to plateau.

If you run, try doing inclines. You can also change your speed throughout your run to simulate sprints and jogs. If you can put in biking or swimming or walking in your workouts. Remember to stretch each night. You don't need a yoga tape, just do some effective simple stretches. But do them each night.

You can also do different kinds of pushups and crunches. Google crunches and see what comes up. My friend just told me that he was able to purchase the P90X workout program on Ebay for $60. That's more than half price. This is a great workout program to do right from your own livingroom at your own pace.

Heidi Week 4

Well this week was hard. I came down with a head cold about 4 days ago and pretty much doing anything has been awful. The week started out great, I went to the gym and really pushed myself on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was when I really started to get sick. I was achy everywhere and by the time 8 o'clock came I couldn't breathe through my nose at all. So I skipped the gym on Wed, Thur and Fri. This morning I pulled it together enough to get to the gym and do the elliptical for 30 minutes, then to do my weight lifting routine. I am trying to lift twice a week. This was my second week and I can feel a difference already. I love getting stronger.

I completely forgot to weigh myself though. I hate weighing throughout the week. Weight is a funny thing and I seem to get the best results if I only weigh once a week at the same time of day. For me, it's Saturday mornings. When I weigh during the week, I just get frustrated because some days I am up and others I am down. It's even the same throughout the day. Anyway, since I forgot to weigh this morning, I have no idea where I am at. If I can get a weight before tomorrow, I will post it.

Love you all and am grateful for all the support and fun we are having.


I have had my tredmill for a week now and no weight loss, but I am really really sore. And it feels great!!! I have gone to a banana berry smoothie for breakfast and that is a yummy way to start the day. I use strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. I also add banana. I hope it is full of vitamins. I use about a tablespoon of sugar which isn't a whole lot. I may switch it up a bit this next week and have an egg breakfast with my smoothie and have a smoothie lunch, but for now it is nice to have a break from eggs, even if it is just for a little bit.
I hope everyone else has had a great week.
Melissa I know you are super busy with school and homework, but you are awesome. Keep up the good work.
You are busy with school and homework too Heidi, but this time it's grading instead of doing, which at times is probably more work :)
Thank you all of you who are in this with me, I know I haven't had a lot of success yet, but I am really hoping that I will see noticable results over the next few weeks, especially now that I can work out even in this freezing cold weather in my home.
Keep posting, it is fun to read about how everyone is doing.

Monday, February 15, 2010


For Valentine's Day I got a box of chocolates and a Tredmill. Hopefully the second helps the first!
No weight loss this week,but my diet has been poor the last few days. I hope to see some good results soon.
Still 170 lbs.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Melissa week #3

This is how I roll...

I only worked out on purpose once this week.  Tuesday I was slammed with homework, so after doing 5 hours of it, I just wanted to veg.  I did my video for 36 minutes on Thursday morning really early.  I got up at 6 am to get it done before anyone else got up and so I wouldn't have a chance to make up too many excuses to not do it.  About  20 min. into my workout, the kids started to come upstairs for breakfast.  Brooklin (who was still pretty groggy) stared at me for a minute, and then said, "Do you do this EVERY morning?!"  HAHA!!  NO!!...but the look on her face was priceless. =)  Then Isaiah came in and sat down on the couch and started saying stuff like, "Mom.  She has her legs up now.  You need to put your legs up."  and "Why aren't you jumping like she is?"  No really.  I so need you telling me how to do this from the couch!  This is why I do not work out at home...

Anyway.  My point being that when I try to eat right and workout, I don't loose anything...and when I'm supposed to be doing something and I don't, that is when I loose the weight...hmmmm.  My weight for this week is 133.6 lbs.  The nicest thing the scale said was 132.8 lbs midweek, but my Sunday check-in weight was 133.6 lbs.

Heidi Week 3

Well, I didn't lose this week, but I didn't gain either. It was my "female" week and although I did pretty good on my calories, I guess my body just wanted to hold onto the weight this week. No biggie. Hopefully, I drop more this week. I will have to work extra hard at the gym tomorrow though because I am thoroughly enjoying Valentines Candy today.

Week 3 weight: 161 lbs.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What the heck is P90X?!!

too tired to google it...i see it on peoples facebook statuses, hear people talking about it at church and school.  so many people know that i would feel stupid asking

what the heck is p09x?!

Running - Heidi

I just ran 3 miles in 32:30. That's not incredibly fast, but I felt good the whole run. Then I followed it up with a 10 minute ab workout compliments of P90X. I hope you all are having as much fun as I am.

Love ya!!

Monday, February 8, 2010


I am still at 170. I was worried it would be higher with the food I ate this weekend. Saturday was birthday cake and Ice Cream. However, Kyle was nice enough to finish off the rest of the Ice Cream on Sunday for me. Joseph walked in the room as Kyle was finishing the Ice Cream off in the second carton (there was a little bit in the bottom of three different cartons) and Joseph asked Kyle what he was doing, I jumped in excited and said "He is removing the temptation from me." Kyle had asked if he could have some Ice Cream before he had some. But Sunday was bad too; we had potato soup and pizza. Both had a lot of carbohydrates.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


My weight has fluctuated this week, but my weight for today was 242.

Melissa week #2

Well, my official weight for the week is 135.1.  I even weighed myself twice, thinking that since this was fast Sunday, I could try again in the afternoon since I hadn't eaten all day.  No such luck.  Still 135.1.

I ran on my elliptical using a varied resistance program for 30 minutes on Tuesday and had Denise Austin kick my patootie for 36 minutes on Thursday.  I know that to see real results I should do more than one hour a week, but I am taking baby steps and it shows...i lost .2 pounds.  I did weigh myself about midweek, and the scale was nice and said 134.2, but that really doesn't count since it wasn't at the week mark.  I ate more carrots and apples this week...and tried to deny the chocolate screaming monster that lives in my head (I ate german chocolate cake today along with three recees peanut butter blood sugar was low from all the "no eating") so I guess I still have some things to work on.

Thanks for helping me out this week with the tips.  I love yoga, but don't have a good video to work with.  I actually have a great one, but it is on VHS, and I don't want to try and find it and mess with rewinding.  I will power through with Denise until I see enough of a result to justify buying another exercise DVD.

I found something interesting today in my journal.  I wrote down my body measurements back in 1998! I am really afraid to go and measure myself again, since I also wrote in another close entry that I weighed 118 lbs!  I may get the courage (and curiosity) this week to measure and then post what they were...but I will have to think about it.

Good luck to the rest of you.  I know you can do it!! =)


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Heidi Week 2

Wow!! What a week. I was only able to make it to the gym 4 times. I never work out on Sundays and Monday and Thursday I was flat out exhausted by the time 8:00 pm rolled around. That is when I usually go. During the week I only get to be with the kids from 4 pm to 8 pm so I refuse to give up that time to work out. That leaves 8 to 930 for my workouts and depending on how my day went at school determines whether or not I can muster up the energy for an effective workout.

The food part of my week went okay. Not great, but not horrible either. Towards the end of the week I ate two doughnuts and 4 Reese's big cups in about a day and a half. Big cups have been my nemesis. They ARE SOOOO good. Next week is going to be my hammer down week on the crap food.

Week 2 weigh in: 161 lbs. (Lost three pounds, YAY!!!!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today I was doing great on my diet, and then Joseph sabotaged it. He brought home a piece of pecan pie. Thankfully it was only a piece, but I love Pecan Pie and I rarely get it. Yummy! Hopefully the good choices I made in my other meals compensates for my piece of pie.
Oh and I am going to try the stretching.


Today I am ready to give up. I should not have stepped on a scale, i have now gained 4 pounds. I love to get out in the summer and walk, the winter is another story! And did I mention, I HATE DIETING? I want my cake and eat it too! Somebody please tell me a yummy desert I can eat the whole pan of and it has low calories! =}


I got a battery for my scales. I find that if I can see daily that I am winning I do better, and if I start to get off track and I know it than I find I get a littlemore disciplined, so I am excited to have my scales back in working order. I am still really nervous about eating because I have to make sure i eat the right foods, not just less foods.
Thanks for the tip on stretching. I am going to start working on that.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tip from Me!!

So here's a tip that has worked for me. It may help those of you that are unable to work out most days of the week to.


If you are able to work out or not, try fitting in a 10 to 15 minute stretching session EVERY day. Stretching alone lengthens, strengthens and tones muscles. You may not lose weight, but you can lose inches and gain strength through stretching each day alone. Don't believe me? Ask any Yoga instructor. The whole fitness program is based on this little fact.


-hold stretches for at least 20 to 30 seconds. As the stretches get easier to hold, push farther and hold longer.
-No bouncing. Bouncing makes tears in your muscles that will cause more harm than good. Move slowly then hold steady for the entire stretch.
-Hold your core tight throughout every stretch. Even if you are stretching your arms, legs, back or whatever. ALWAYS hold your abdominals tight.

Hope this helps. Especially those of you that can't make it to the gym everyday.

Love ya!!

Eating at night = weight gain? Fact or myth

I was going to ask about this, and then just decided to google it.  I found it interesting (and slightly comforting) and wondered if any of you had an opinion on this.  Thanks!  mj



My friends and I disagree — can you settle the dispute? I feel a calorie is a calorie no matter what time of day that you eat it. They say that if you eat all of your calories early in the day, that it is less fattening, because you will be moving around burning off those calories. I say that if you eat 1800 calories a day, it doesn't matter if you eat them in 5 meals or 10 meals, it is still 1800 calories. I believe that the idea of not eating anything after 7 helps you to lose weight because you cut out the high calorie, high fat foods that are often eaten late in the evening. They say that by not eating after 7, you lose weight because you're not moving to burn off those calories. Please settle the dispute. Thanks.

Dear Reader,

You and your friends have picked up on a popular debate. One aspect of weight management that is vital to understand is that we gain and lose weight over periods of time — weeks, months, years — not hour by hour. This happens as we take in more calories than we expend. Another important fact of metabolism is that our bodies do not stop working, even when we are sleeping! Hearts are beating, blood is circulating, lungs are functioning, brains are even working. This all takes energy — meaning we are still burning calories.
There is no magic time after which the body stores fat. For instance, if you eat the same exact meal at 6 pm or at 8 pm, is one more caloric than the other? No, each meal has the same number of calories. What really matters is the total amount of food and drink you have over the course of a week, or a month or longer, and how much energy you expend during that timeframe. Excess calories will be stored as fat over time, regardless of whether they are taken in during the day or night.
When it comes to eating late at night and the potential for weight gain, there are several considerations:
  • Portion sizes — waiting to eat could lead to consuming larger portion sizes
  • Quality of food — after a long day of work or school, a few slices of pizza or a fast burger may seem easier than steamed vegetables and broiled fish
  • "Mindless snacking" — evenings spent studying, out on the town, or watching TV may lead to excess calories from fast, sugary, on-the-go options
  • Health concerns — consistent periods of going without food followed by a large meal can negatively impact the interaction between blood sugar and insulin and make you more vulnerable to Type 2 diabetes.
So, to settle the debate, you are correct that late-night calories won't change your metabolism or magically count more than calories eaten during the day. However, limiting late-night meals and snacks may be an effective weight management strategy for some because it helps them to control their overall calorie intake. Some people find that if they set a time that they can't eat past, it helps minimize or eliminate the possibility of munching on a lot of high calorie foods. Another useful tip may to be to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals and snacks spread evenly throughout the day so you don't become overly hungry at any point. Following these tips can keep your energy levels consistent for work and play and can provide some long-term benefits to help you reduce your chances for diabetes or other health issues.
Bon appétit!

...and another answer...

Dear Alice, Though your metabolism IS constantly at work, it does slow down later in the day, especially if you are just dieting and not exercising. When you exercise your heart rate and metabolism both increase. In addition it is better to eat more meals and take in the same amount of calories because in doing so you keep your metabolism working. On the other hand if you eat less or worse starve yourself for several hours your metabolism slows down and potentially puts your body into a "starvation mode" where more insulin is released causing the body to store more fat. This is the most simple answer to this question.

Heather Week 1

Starting Weight 173
Week 1 Weight 170
Goal weight 150 or even better 145

However, I have a history in the last year of going up and down within a 5 pound range so I am nervous that it will just go up again. Also my scales need a new battery, so I hope to get one before my next weigh in.
I am trying to stick as close as I can to an Atkins diet because of my Insulin resistance.
I haven't done very well on the exercise yet, but I hope to pick that up soon. The weather was getting better here, until we got more snow. It's pretty, but cold.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Darwin week 1

Start weight:243
Week one weight: 242
My goal: BMI was 21% and I would like it to be 19% or lower.

Melissa week 1


My starting weight: 134.2 lbs.
Week one weight: 135.3 lbs.
My goal weight: 123 lbs.

I didn't start out that good...and I have a decent excuse.  I was on my girl week and ate way too much and everything that goes with that.  I really don't know what to do either, but I am going to try harder this month.  I think my biggest weakness is eating at night, and not making the time to exercise.  I have two days this semester that I don't have school, so I know that I can easily exercise on those days.  I need to fit in at least two other days. I could also cut out some of the sweet snacks I graze on and replace them with fruits and vegetables.


I never posted my info:

Starting weight: 185 lbs
Goal weight: 165 lbs.
Week 1: 178 lbs

I started out with a bang and recently hit a thud. I think that chocolate covered almonds from Costco are the devil. Yesterday I made a hot pan of rolls and no one at them. So, instead of wasting them, I ate the whole thing myself. At first I was able to say no to food after 8:00 pm. Now, I am not doing so well. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.