Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shaneen Week 1

Yes, I love refunds. OK so here is my dilemma. I know you all have crazy busy lives, so surely you have some great words of wisdom for me. First of all my starting weight was 135 on 1-21-10. My goal weight is 120-125. So the dilemma, I get up by 5 am and get to work by 6 am Mon, Tues, Thur and Fri. I have Wed off. I work until 430 and get home by 445. Leave by 530 and go to class until 7 tues and thur and until 9 on wed. I don't have a lot of time so I usually grab a PB & J before class and then something else when I get home, which usually isn't good for me. I am exhausted by the time i get home so I don't want to run or do anything, except homework and then go to bed. (Please keep in mind that I am not whining... I know it was my choice to have this schedule). Do you have any suggestions for fitting exercise into my schedule? I absolutely REFUSE to get up any earlier than 5 am, seeing as how I am only getting 6 1/2 hours of sleep anyway. And any suggestions on easy, healthy meals? I do okay with eating for breakfast and lunch, it's just dinner. I am open to any suggestions you may have.


Heidi Week 1

Hey Everyone, I think the consensus was not to have a reward. So, Shaneen, I will be sending back your $20.

Basically we are just trying to get into shape and lose weight over the next 12 weeks and help each other as much as we can. If you want you can post your starting weight and then let us know each week how you are doing. Or, you can just come here and read about how everyone else is doing and get motivated. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do, so anyway we can help each other is great.

It also helps to see that someone else is going through the same struggles as you.

So here is my information. I will probably respond each week as to where I am at. It helps me to know that I am going to be held accountable. It makes me stay focused. Don't feel that you have to post your information.

Starting 1/23/10 167 lbs
Week 1 1/30/10 164 lbs.
Goal Weight 4/24/10 145 lbs.

This week I really focused on my cardio. I made it to the gym 5 times. Each time I did 30 minutes on the treadmill followed up by 15 to 20 minutes on the elliptical. Next week I hope to do the same thing but add in weights twice a week.

I did REALLY bad on my calories. I have a hard time not just eating anything that sounds good. Especially if its chocolate. I really need to work on that.

So feel free to post I emailed you all the information to sign in and make your own posts. Let us know your goals, where you are at, what you are struggling with, or what worked best for you. Let's help eachother and have a blast.