Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sarah's New Dress

This first picture of Kaitlyn is just her being adorable. She didn't like me taking pictures of Sarah and none of her.

Judy made Sarah an adorable red dress. It arrived on Saturday and it took every kind of convincing to get her to wait until Sunday to wear it to church. Of course she looked absolutely adorable in it. Thanks Judy so much for taking the time to make it and send it to her. Love it!!!!

Another one bites the dust!!!

Sarah lost her first top row tooth. It was very wiggly for about two weeks. She even told her teacher that she couldn't do her math work in class one day because she was so busy wiggling her tooth. Finally on Saturday night I had had enough. I pinned her down and plucked it from her mouth. She was so happy afterward we all laughed!!!

Super Bo!!!!

Kaitlyn made this mask and cape at preschool last week. If you ask me, it's the cutest superhero I've ever seen!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Your not alone

I have gained in the past two weeks also. I know that I have to get more serious with my diet and my exercise. My friend called me and I said I have been eating all day. She said what are you stressed about. I instantly realized that I had been super stressed and I didn't even realize that the two could easily be connected. Today I had three pb and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Ouch. well I did exercise for 20 minutes this morning, but I was really hungry. Lucky for me I had some catalope in the fridge for when I got hungry this afternoon. It helped stop the bleeding a little, but I don't know what I will do tomorrow. Tonight for dinner we are having enchiladas and salad. I need to make a dressing and I have never done that before. I hope it turns out good or nobody will want to eat the salad.
I am really going to try to exercise again later also. I have to mow my lawn if I can get some gas for the lawn mower. If I do that then I will get a little more exercise in. Plus I might convince someone to go on a walk with me tonight.
I really could identify with your weight gain. I hope to see some loss over then next week.
Oh one other thing, you mentioned that you are ALWAYS hungry. I recently read a comentary by a person that said when they ate super healthy, they weren't always hungry anymore. I hope to get there soon.


Friday, August 27, 2010

ok, i've had enough of the vacation bulge


instead of loosing ANY pounds with you all...i went the other way by being stressed out about moving, moving, going on vacation, and generally eating out every meal.  this summer i have added nearly five pounds, and none of my clothes are fitting me!!  i ALWAYS feel hungry, i eat poorly, and don't do any exercising...well i did go running with the kids the one time and that didn't turn out so great.  (forgot to stretch, jogged for just over a mile, and then felt the after effects for like four days!)  so now i am getting depressed about it...which i'm sure helps with the weight gain... =P

i found a free online calorie counter/exercise tracker that has been somewhat helpful.  i told it what my goals were and then it tells me what i should be doing to reach those goals.  i filled out everything i ate yesterday and recorded that i went on a 30 min walk with caleb, and it told me that if i did exactly what i did yesterday, every day, i would be five pounds heavier in five weeks!  GREAT! 

i'm going to try to stick with this, mostly because it has been very eye opening.  i thought i would post the link to the web page if any of you want to join me on there.  mj


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today I weighed in at 153. I am so excited. Yesterday I made some fresh salsa for the first time. It was good, but not as good as some I have had. (Dad's is super yummy). I also tried using ground turkey in my taco. It was yummy. I was able to eat two tacos with no guilt. I am on the search for more filling healthy meals. I hope all of you are doing good on your goals.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I am finally 155 pounds. I had a bit of a set back last week when we went on vacation. To my credit I did get in a workout everyday and sometimes two a day, but traveling and snacking we still an issue. However once I got home and got back into my routine and cut out the unhealthy snacks I felt better. Today after my workout I weighed in at 155.2. I know it goes up and down a little, but I am just so excited. I have lost almost 20 pounds since I started and I honestly didn't think it would make such a big difference appearance wise, but it has. My husband and my kids are starting to comment that they can see a difference now and I feel great. Also I wanted to mention that a few weeks ago Lisa helped me with a hair cut and color and that really helped me keep going and stay motivated. Thanks Lisa you are awesome.